The patch that Ubisoft promised to deliver to PlayStation 3 owners of Assassin's Creed is due to be delivered over the course of a few days. Ubisoft's community manager posted on the company's official forums that "a corrective update has been developed and will be released worldwide on the PLAYSTATION® Network over the next few days." As you may have heard, Assassin's Creed PS3 users have reported lock ups and "white screens of death" on the official forums.
You know, that's record time for getting a patch out. I think maybe Ubisoft knew that the game was full of bugs when it was released. (Trust me, no shock on my face.) I think it's great that consoles can now have bug fixes released post production through a download because it can improve the game. It also opens up the idea of downloadable expansions 9Unreal Tournamnet III anyone?) But it also means that game companies don't have to have any kind of quality control. It means that the consumer has potentially become the play tester (and we'e paying to do it) so that hey can just patch the game later.
You know, that's record time for getting a patch out. I think maybe Ubisoft knew that the game was full of bugs when it was released. (Trust me, no shock on my face.) I think it's great that consoles can now have bug fixes released post production through a download because it can improve the game. It also opens up the idea of downloadable expansions 9Unreal Tournamnet III anyone?) But it also means that game companies don't have to have any kind of quality control. It means that the consumer has potentially become the play tester (and we'e paying to do it) so that hey can just patch the game later.
*cough*Windows Vista*cough*
It's really sad, though. Now there's so much of a push to get the games released that companies are sacrificing their games for deadlines. Remember that Enter the Matrix game for the PS2 that was mostly unplayable? In the last week, I've seen more and more evidence that Big Business is jumping the gun. They think they own us, but they don't...not yet. Gamespot and Eidos (advertising dollars control editorial content), Facebook (ad dollars green-light questionable information gathering practices), Ubisoft and Microsoft (test our software for us!), Sony (buy Blu-Ray and help us dominate the home theatre market), Nintendo and Namco Bandai (Wii Guitar and Guncon NOT sold separately) much longer are we going to put up with this? There's gonna be a fight, you know. Who's dollars will win? The ad-men, or the consumers?
Probably the ad-men, because your average consumer is too stupid to spend wisely, and too lazy to do anything about it.
Which is why Exxon-Mobile posted RECORD profits in early 2007. By which I mean the highest profits EVER in the HISTORY of recording yearly profit margins.
You right. however there are some companies out there that still care about the quality of their games.
This penical of excellence I speak of is Kanomi. When I think about I have never experienced any level of glitch in a single one of their games.
As a commentary on pushing deadlines. Metal Gear Solid 4 has been delayed an entire year. While I really want to gripe, I'm not going to. I stand by my commitment to wait for a solid product.
Absolutely. I would TOTALLY rather wait for a good game. And THAT is one of the reasons why Nintendo is pulling even with Sony and Microsoft, despite the fact that the Wii looks like a kids system compared to the Uber-Giants of the 360 and the PS3. I'm rather upset now, because I've scoured the net, and I can't locate the quote, but one of Nintendo's big-wigs was recently quoted as saying something like this, in regards to delaying games: "A mediocre game will be mediocre forever, but a great game that takes just a little longer to finish is well worth the wait."
I totally butchered that quote, but that's part of Nintendo's BUSINESS STRATEGY. And that's how they're staying relevant in a market that's technologically head-and-shoulders above them.
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